In Montenegrin language there aren’t as many modal verbs as in English. Generally, we can say that there are four modal verbs: moći, morati, smjeti and htjeti.


Verb moći  (can, be able to) doesn’t follow regular conjugation patterns and must be memorized:

Ja mogu                       mi možemo

Ti možeš                       vi možete

On može                      oni mogu


Example: Možete kupiti kartu u tramvaju.

In Montenegrin, the construction can ( to be able/ allowed to do something) plus verb is expressed in two ways:

  1. Moći + ifinitive of the verb


Mogu li govoriti sa gospodinom Milićem?

  1. B) Moći + linking DA + conjugated main verb

Možda možemo da pokušamo da rezervišemo karte.


Modal verb htjeti ( be willing to, or want) also has irregular conjugation:


Hoću                 hoćemo

Hoćeš                hoćete

Hoće                  hoće

Ja hoću da budem doktor.

Ona hoće da kupi haljinu.


Unlike these two modal verbs, verb morati ( to have to, must) conjugates like any other regular verb:

moram                        moramo

moraš                          morate

mora                            moraju


Sada moram da idem u školu.


Verb smjeti (be allowed to, should, dare) conjugates like any other regular verb:

Smijem            Smijemo

Smiješ              Smijete

Smije               Smiju

Da li smijem ovdje da parkiram auto?

To ne smijete zaboraviti.

Negative forms of the modal verbs, with the excepetion of htjeti, are formed with a negative particle ne and the conjugated modal verb.

Tamo ne možete parkirati.

To ne smijete zaboraviti.

Nagtive form of the verb htejti is formed on the following way:

Neću             nećemo

Nećeš           nećete

Neće             neće



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