The Vocative Case in Montenegrin

Since the vocative case is used when we are addressing someone or calling someone, most often one person, there are changes in the singular form only (of course there are exceptions). Addressing things or abstract concepts won’t be something you will hear in everyday conversations, but there are plenty of examples in poems and literature.…

Vocative case – exercise

Fill in the examples with a Vocative case: Vidimo se uskoro, ___! (Nikola) Izvinite, ___! Da li biste mogli da mi kažete koliko je sati? (gospođa) Drago mi je što smo se upoznali, ___! (Marko) ___! Čestitamo ti na uspjehu! (Milica) Zdravo, ___! Šta ima novo kod tebe? (Ivan) Gdje si, ___? Čekamo te već…

Fleeting A (nepostojano A)

The so-called “fleeting A” or “movable A” refers to the phonetic alternation in which short a makes an appearance and loss in certain inflected forms of nouns. Historically, Montenegrin did not tolerate any final consonantal clusters except st, zd, št, žd, šć, žđ, šč, and dž, as they were often difficult to pronounce in the…

Modalni glagoli (modal verbs)

  Exercises: Fill in the correct forms of the modal verbs: Da li i vi (moći) _____________________ da idete u bioskop? On (htjeti) _________________________ da živi u malom gradu. Da li (ona – smjeti) ___________________ da radi tako nešto? Da li vi (morati) _____________________ da živite na Dorćolu? Da li oni (htjeti) ______________________ da rade…