The vocative case is used for addressing or calling someone. It is often used together with the imperative form of verbs, or indirect speech.

Suffixes :

sg. pl.
-e/-u: gospodine, Jovane, prijatelju
=Nom.: Marko, Đorđe
=Nom.: prijatelji
-o/-e: devojko, gospođo, Zoro, drugarice, Milice
=Nom.: Marina, Zorana
=Nom.: ime =Nom.: imena

1) Maculine gender nouns of the I type declension in vocative sg. usually have the suffix –e (e.g. gospodin-e). Exceptions are nouns ending with consonants (ć, č, đ, dž, nj, lj, š, ž, j, z, c) and they have suffix -u in vocative (npr. mesec-u, Francuz-u).

2) Masculine gender nouns that end in the consonants k, g or h in nominative, have a sound alternation before the -e: k>č, g>ž, h>š.
e.g. dečak > dečače, drug > druže, duh > duše

3) In the feminine gender nouns the suffix –o is the regular suffix. The suffix –e appears in the vocative case of nouns which in the nominative sg. have the suffix –ica.
e.g. drugarica drugarice; Milica Milice; nastavnica nastavnice








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