Practice 1

Make questions for the following statements (the underlined parts) using approproate interrogative words: kakav, gdje, ko, kada, koji, čiji, šta and kako, as shown in the model:


Živjeću u centru grada.

Gdje ćete živjeti.

  1. Mi radimo u ambasadi. _______________________________________________________
  2. Vi ćete raditi mnogo. _________________________________________________________
  3. Oni će ići kod doktora u 9. _____________________________________________________
  4. One će ići na sastanak __________________________________________________
  5. Oni se ne sjećaju tog ljekara. ___________________________________________________
  6. Taj restoran je vrlo dobar. _____________________________________________________
  7. Taj rječnik ću da kupim. _______________________________________________________
  8. Ona će se vratiti do šest._______________________________________________________
  9. Želim da vidim Vašu knjigu. _____________________________________________________
  10. Planiram da idem kod doktora. __________________________________________________
  11. On će da planira da ide kod zubara. ______________________________________________
  12. Ona će čitati vašu knjigu. _______________________________________________________
  13. Ja neću da idem kod tog službenika. ______________________________________________
  14. Vi ćete znati o tome. __________________________________________________________
  15. Ona će da traži broj ambasade. _________________________________________________
  16. Ja ću da budem na poslu u 8 sati. ________________________________________________
  17. Mislim da ćemo ići peške. _____________________________________________________
  18. Ona ima veliku kancelariju. ____________________________________________________
  19. On ide trolejbusom na posao. __________________________________________________
  20. Tamo ćemo da vidimo svoje prijatelje. ____________________________________________

Practise 2

Translate the following sentences into Montenegrin:

  1. She works in the embassy now. _________________________________________________
  2. He doesn’t live in this part of the city. ____________________________________________
  3. We reside near the National theater. ____________________________________________
  4. She will come to our school tomorrow. __________________________________________
  5. His wife will talk about her new book. ____________________________________________
  6. Her husband will look for that telephone number. ___________________________________
  7. Their teacher will talk about that. _______________________________________________
  8. They will be in their new school at 9 o’clock. _______________________________________
  9. She will give the information about the dictionary tomorrow. _______________________________________________________________________
  10. They will have to transfer at the Railway station. ______________________________________________________________________
  11. I don’t think we’ll find the street where he lives. ______________________________________________________________________
  12. Do you think we’ll know where that is?____________________________________________
  13. Who knows where she will go? _______________________________________________________________________
  14. How do you know that he’ll come on time? _______________________________________________________________________
  15. Which line goes to the railway station?_______________________________________________________________________
  16. I think he is a very kind person. _________________________________________________
  17. Excuse me, how can I get to the American Embassy?__________________________________________________________________________
  18. It is too expensive to buy a metro card there; it is better to buy one at a kiosk. __________________________________________________________________________
  19. Is there a bus or trolley stop in the vicinity?__________________________________________________________________________
  20. She thinks she’ll go back to work by car. _______________________________________________

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