Cardinal numbers

The Montenegrin word for number is broj. In compound numbers the conjuction i (and) may be omitted.

0 nula                                                                                    22 dvadedeset (i) dva

1 jedan                                                                                  30 trideset

2 dva                                                                                            40 četrdeset

3 tri                                                                                                50 pedeset

4 četiri                                                                                          60 šezdeset

5 pet                                                                                             70 sedamdeset

6 šest                                                                                            80 osamdeset

7 sedam                                                                                      90 devedeset

8 osam                                                                                          100 sto

9 devet                                                                                         101 sto jedan

10 deset                                                                                      125  sto dvadeset pet

11 jedanaest                                                                               200 dvesta

12 dvanaest                                                                                 300 trista

13 trinaest                                                                                   400 četiristo

14 četrnest                                                                            1000 hiljada (hiljadu)

15 petnaest                                                                                1001 hiljadu i jedan

16 šesnaest                                                                            1138  hiljadu sto trideset osam

17 sedamnaest                                                                           3000 tri hiljade

18 osamnaest                                                                               5000 hiljada

19 devetnaest                                                                        1 000 000 milion

20 dvadeset                                                                            1 000 001 milion i jedan

21 dvadeset (i) jedan                                                             1 000 000 000 milijarda


As you can see from the list above, use of conjuction i is optional. Note also that the noun for one thousand is hiljada, but in counting it becomes hiljadu.

In Serbian the number one, jedan, behaves like an adjective. This means that its form changes depending on the gender of the noun it accompanies:

Jedan stan m.                            One apartment

Jedna jabuka f.                             One apple

Jedno pismo neu.                       One letter

It also changes depending on the case:

Vidim jednog studenta.               I see one student/  I see a student.

Molim Vas, jednu kafu za mene.    A coffee for me, please.

Similarly, the number two, dva, reflects gender:

Dva studenta m.                      Two (male) students

Dvije studentkinje. F.               Two (female) students.

  • The most important thing to memorize about numbers is the so-called rule of 5:
  • Numbers 2 to 4 and all compound numbers ending in 2,3 or 4 are followed by a noun in the genitive singular.


Dva stola.                                             2 tables

Tri stola.                                                     3 tables

Četiri stola.                                               4 tables

Dvadeset dva stola.                               22 tables

Trideset četiri studenta.                     34 tables


  • Numbers from 5 through 20 and all the compund numbers which end in 5,6,7,8,9 and 0 (for example trideset pet, četrdeset osam etc.) take a noun in the genitive plural.


Pet stolova.                                 5 tables

Sedam stolova.                           7 tables

Jedanaest stolova.                      11 tables

Dvanaest stolova.                       12 tables

Šezdeset stolova.                         60 tables

Osam studenata.                          8 students

Sedamdeset osam studenata.   78 students


  • ONE and numers ending in one ( such as 21, 31 etc, but not eleven) are followed by a noun in the nominative singular.

Jedan sto.                              1 table

Dvadeset jedan student.    21 students

Jedanaest studenata.           11 students


Numbers take precedence over the verb when it comes to determining the case. While the verb imati (to have) takes the accusative, if we add numbers, the object will be in the case dictated by those numbers, i.e. the genitive singular or plural.

Imam tri stana.                 I have three apartments.

Imam pet stanova.            I have five apartments.

It is equally important to distguish between countable and uncountable nouns in the genitive. While countable nouns (even when their exact number is not metioned) will be in the genitive plural, uncountable nouns will be in the singular.

Ima puno krušaka.                       There are a lot of pears.

Koliko knjiga ima ovdje?              How many books are there?

Nema vode.                                    There is no water.

Koliko kafe moraš da kupiš?         How much coffee do you need to buy?


Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers behave like adjectives in terms of their endings and they decline along with the noun they modify.

Masculine Feminine Neuter Meaning
Prvi Prva Prvo first
Drugi Druga Drugo Second
Treći Treća Treće Third
Četvrti Četvrta Četvrto Fourth
Peti Peta Peto Fifth
Šesti Šesta Šesto Sixth
Sedmi Sedma Sedmo Seventh
Osmi Osma Osmo Eighth
Deveti Deveta Deveto Ninth
Deseti Deseta Deseto Tenth
Jedanaesti Jedanaesta Jedanaesto Eleventh
Četrnaesti Četrnaesta Četrnaesto Fourteenth
Dvadeseti Dvadeseta Dvadeseto Twentieth
Pedeseti Pedeseta Pedeseto Fiftieth
Stoti Stota Stoto One hundeth
Hiljaditi Hiljadita Hiljadito One thousandth


Simpy add -i for masculine, -a for feminine, and -o for neuter to the cardinal number.


Ordinal numbers in the genitive are used in dates. The number indicating the day is in the genitive with verbs other than the verb to be. This means that in experssions such as Today is… Danas je…. the day will be an ordinal number in the nominative and the name of the month will also be in the nominative.

Danas je peti avgust.            Today is the fifth of August.

With other verbs the number indicating the day as well as the name of the month will both be in the genitive. In dates that include the year one says hiljadu (not hiljada) for one thousand and the final digit is an ordinal number in the genitive feminine.

Kada putujete? Putujemo trideset prvog avgusta.

When are you traveling? We are traveling on August 31st.

Koji je danas datum? Danas je tridest prvi avgust dvije hiljade i šeste godine.

Today is August 31st, 2006.

Collective numbers

This group of numbers is used for groups of people. Depending on the gender mix, the numbers used will differ. When referring to a group of women consisting of more than two persons cardinal numbers should be used. Different forms are used, however, to indicate a group of men or a mixed male-female group.

Mixed group                                     Men                                   Women

Dvoje                                                 Dvojica                                 Dvije                   two

Oboje                                                Obojica                                  Obje                   Both

Troje                                                  Trojica                                   tri                        three

Četvoro                                             Četvorica                              četiri                    four

Petoro                                               petorica                                pet                          five

The two of us and similar expressions ( the three of you, the five of you, the five of them) require the use of the genitive plural for the pronoun as well as the correct form for the number, depending on the gender.


The 2 of them                                   the 3 of you                                 the 5 of us

njih dve  (2 women)                        vas tri (3 women)                          nas pet (women)

njih dvojica (2 men)                            vas trojica (3 men)                      nas petorica (5 men)

Njih dvoje (mixed pair)                       vas troje (mixed group of 3)      nas petoro (mixed group of 5)


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