Ne razumijem.  I don’t understand.

Molim te/ Molim Vas.     Please

Možete li da ponovite?      Can you repeat, please?

Izvinite!    Excuse me.

Nije moguće!   It is not possible.

Slažem se! I agree.

Baš lijepo što ste ovdje!     It is so nice that you are here.

Kako si/ ste?       How are you?

Dobro!     I am well.

Odlično!       Excellent.

Tako-tako! Onako!   So-so!

Loše!   Bad (not great).

A ti/ Vi?       And what about you?

Da li govorite engleski?   Do you speak English?

Zapravo  –  Actually, as a matter of fact

Tačno  – correct

Radije + verb prefer – Ja radije hodam. ( I prefer to walk)

Kako ide?  – How is it going?

Konačno  – finally

Da li voziš/vozite?  –  Can you drive?

Mislim da – I think that…

Nigdje ne žurimo. We are not in a hurry.

Izvolite … Please help yourself

Hvala lijepo/lepo.    Thank you very much.

Želimo da naručimo.   We would like to order.

Molim Vas jelovnik! Could we have the menu?

Molim Vas račun!     The bill, please.

Možemo li da platimo?   Can we pay?

Jeftino je. It is inexpensive/ cheap.

Skupo je. It is expensive.

Zadržite kusur.    Keep the change.

Prijatno! Bon appetit!

Šta znači xxx? What does xxx mean?

Dobrodošao! Dobrodošla! Dobrodošli!    Welcome!

Nazdravlje! Cheers!

Svakako! By all means!

Šteta! Pity

Koja je adresa? What is the address?

Ne vjerujem! I don’t believe so!

Nema problema. No problem

Godina dana. A year-long period.

Uđite! Come in.

Lijepo od njega. Nice of him

Nije loše.  Not bad.

Koliko košta. How much?

Briga manje.  One less worry.

Uživajte. Enjoy.


On the phone…

Mogu li dobiti gospodina x?    Can i please speak to Mr. X?

Dobili ste pogrešan broj!   You’ve got the wron number!

Da li želite da ostavite poruku?   Do you wish to leave a message?

Nije potrebno!   It is not necessary!

Koji je Vaš broj telefona?    What is your phone number?

U redu. Ok.


At the meeting

Nadam se da ne kasnim. I hope am not late.

Stižete u pravom trenutku. You’re arriving at the right moment.

U usponu. In ascent, increasing.

U padu.   In descent, decreasing.

Za sada…. for now

Na tržištu…. on the market.

Imamo jasnu sliku o svemu… We have a clear picture of everything.

Moramo da govorimo o tome. We have to speak about that.

Po mom mišljenju… In my opinion.

Hvala na pomoći.  Thank you for your help.

Nema na čemu.   Not at all. ( you welcome)

Zadovoljstvo mi je. It is my pleasure.


Imas pravo! U pravu si. You’re right.

Nisam siguran/sigurna. I am not sure.

Ne brini! Don’t worry

Kako se kaže x na crnogorskom? How does one say x in Montenegrin?

Da te upoznam…… Let me introduce you.

Čime mogu da vas ponudim?   What can I offer you?

Srećan rođendan! Happy birthday.

Sve se stigne…. There is time for everything.

Kakvo iznenađenje!   What a surprise.

U tvoju čast! In your honour!

Ovo će mi stvarno dobro doći! This will really come in handy!

Hvla vam na svemu! Thank you for everything.

Pravi ste prijatelji! You’re true friends!


Nadam se da si dobro! I hope you’re well.

Došlo je do nekih promjena. There have been some changes.

Kao što znaš…. As you know.

Postoji mogućnost… there is a possibility

Čini mi se da.. It seems to me that…

Žao mi je…… I’m sorry.

Ovo je jedinstvena prilika.   This is a unique chance.

Šta se desilo?  What happened?

Da li je sve u redu?     Is everything OK?

Imam dobre/loše vijesti… I have a good/bad news.

Šta mu je?  What’s with him?

Dosta mi je! I’ve had enough.

Ne mogu više ovako! I can’t take it any more.

Imati namjeru. To have an intention.

Ne dolazi u obzir! It’s out of question!

Imam utisak da… I have an impression that…

Nema smisla! There’s no point.

Šta je – tu je! What happened, happened.

Ne znam ni sam/sama.   I myself don’t know.

Da li si raspoložena za—? Are you in the mood for…?


Izvinite, možete li da nam pomognete? Excuse me, can you help us?

U slučaju da… In case…

Da vidimo! Let’s see.

To nišra ne znači.  It doesn’t metter.

Ne znam kako da vam zahvalim.   I don’t know how to thank you.

Nema na čemu… Not at all.

Vremenska progonoza…. Weather forecast.

Meni je svejedno. It’s all the same to me.


Kako se ide do centra? How does one get to the center?

Gdje se nalazi glavni trg?  Where is the main square?

Koji autobus ide do centra? Which bus goes to the center?



Da li si spreman/spremna?    Are you ready?

Samo momenat.. Just a moment.

To je dovoljno!   That is enough.

Nema veze.. It doesn’t matter.

Dobro ti/vam stoji! It fits you well.

Jednu kartu za vozilo.   One ticket for a vehicle.

Želim povratne karte. I would like round-trip tickets.

U jednom smjeru. One way.

Imate sreće! You’re lucky.

Samo požurite!  But hurry!

Molim vas jednu dvokrevetnu i jednu jednokrevetnu sobu.    One double and one single room please.

Prijatan boravak!   Have a pleasant stay!

Jedva čekam. I can hardly wait.

I ja isto! Me too.

Dogovoreno!  Fine (agreed).



Ne mogu da vjerujem da… I can’t believe that….

S jedne strane….S druge strane…. on the one hand…. on the other hand.

Doći do zaključka.   To reach a conclusion.

Osim toga…. besides that…

Imate li manji/veći broj?   Do you have a smaller/bigger size?

Koliko je sve zajedno? How much is everything together?

Stižemo za nekoliko minuta.,.. We’ll arrive in a few minutes.


Blago tebi…. Lucky you.

Budite ljubazni…. be so kind

Vaš let polazi na vrijeme… Your flght is leaving on time.

Međunarodni odlasi. International departures.

Vaš let kasni… Your flight is late.

S vremena na vrijeme… from time to time.

Ako nemaš ništa protiv… If you don’t have anything against it.

Hvala vam na svemu! Thank you for everything.



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