
Noun or adjective used in nominative is used in its default form. This is the form found in dictionaries.

sg. pl.
M. : bulevar-Ø, momak-Ø -i: bulevar-i, momc-i
F. -a: žen-a, devojk-a -e: žen-e, devojk-e
N. -o/-e: pism-o, polj-e -a: pism-a, polj-a


We use nominative:
1. as the subject of the sentence, and this answers the question
Ko? (for animate nouns) or Šta? (for inanimate nouns):

Ko pjeva? Ana pjeva. Who is singing. Ana is singing.



Genitive can be used with or without prepositions.

sg. pl.
M. -a: bulevar-a, momk-a -a: bulevara-a, momak-a
F. -e: žen-e, devojk-e -a: žen-a, devojak-a
N. -a: pism-a, polj-a -a: pisam-a, polj-a


We use genitive:

  1. with the following prepositions: pored (next to), ispod (under), iznad (above), ispred (in front of), iza (behind), između (between), blizu (near), do (to), od(from), kod (at).


Ja sam iz Podgorice. I am from Podgorica.

Idem kod Marije. I am going to Marija’s house.

Knjiga je ispod stola. The book is under the table.


  1. With quntifiers: mnogo (a lot), puno (a lot), malo (a littile bit), nekoliko (several), koliko (how much), etc.


Ja imam puno drugova.  I have a lot of friends.

Ona ima malo hljeba. She has a small amount of bread.



The dative case can indicate an indirect object (purpose) and a direction of movement.

sg. pl.
M.-u: bulevar-u, momk-u ima: bulevar-ima, momc-ima
F.-i: žen-i, devojc-i ama: žen-ama, devojk-ama
N.-u: pism-u, polj-u ima: pism-ima, polj-ima

We use dative:

  1. To whom we are doing (giving) sth (indirect object).


Ja sam Marku kupila čokoladu.   I bought  a chocoolate to Marco.

Ona je dala sestri poklon.   She gave a gift to her sister.


  1. Direction of movement – towards (ka, prema)

Idem ka školi.          I am going towards school.

Idem prema Marku. I am going towards Marko.



Accusative can have several usages, but three the most important are direct object, time and with the verbs of movement:

sg. pl.
( masc.inanimate) -Ø: bulevar-Ø (= Nom.) -e: bulevar-e, momk-e
(masc. animate)    -a: momk-a, Mark-a,
F. -u: žen-u, devojk-u -e: žen-e, devojk-e
N. -o/-e: pism-o, polj-e (= Nom.) -a: pism-a, polj-a


We use accusative:

  1. For the direct object in the sentence (answers questions šta (what) or koga (whom):


Koga slušaš? Slušam profesora. Who are you listenint to? I am listening to professor.


Šta gledaš? Gledam film. What are you watching? I am watching a movie.


Ja sam udarila moju sestru. I slapped my sister.


  1. With the verbs of movement: ići (to go), putovati (to travel) and similar:


Milan ide u školu.  Milan goes to school.

Marija putuje u Rim.  Marija is traveling to Rome.


  1. Time with prepisitions U (in, at) and NA (on):


Idem na posao u ponedeljak. I am going to work on Monday.

Idem na odmor na ljeto. I am going for a vacation in the summer.



The vocative case is used for addressing or calling someone.

sg. pl.
M. -e/-u: gospodine, Jovane, prijatelju
=Nom.: Marko, Đorđe
=Nom.: prijatelji
F. -o/-e: devojko, gospođo, Zoro, drugarice, Milice
=Nom.: Marina, Zorana



The two main meanings indicated by the instrumental case are company and means or instrument with which an action is performed.

sg. pl.
M. -om/-em*: bulevar-om, momk-om,Mark-om, Đorđ-em ima: bulevar-ima, momc-ima
F. -om: žen-om, devojk-om ama: žen-ama, devojk-ama
N.-om/-em: pism-om, polj-em,
ima: pism-ima, polj-ima,


*If the noun is ending on soft conosants such as: j, lj, nj, ć, đ, č, ž, š the eding will be EM.


We use instrumental:

  1. To show company, with whom are we, with preposition S(A), answers the question SA KIM (with whom):


Idem u grad sa majkom. I am going to the city with my mother.


Družim se sa Markom. I am hanging out with Marko.


  1. To show the tool that we use for something, no prepositions needed, answers the question Čime (with what, by what): :


Pišem olovkom. I am writing with my pen.

Idem autobusom. I am going by bus.

 Putujem avionom.  I am travelling by plane.


  1. To give additional information about something, with preposition S(A):


Burek sa sirom. (I guess there is no need to translate this J)




This is the only case that is always used with a preposition (U (in), NA (on, at), O (about), PO (through, over). The primary function of this case is to indicate place.

sg. pl.
M.-u: bulevar-u, momk-u
Mark-u, Đorđ-u
-ima: bulevar-ima, momc-ima
F.-i: žen-i, devojc-i -ama: žen-ama, devojk-ama
N.-u: pism-u, polj-u -ima: pism-ima, polj-ima


We use locative:

  1. To say where are we, location:

                 Ja sam u hotelu. I am at the hotel.

                Ja živim u Podgorici. I live in Podgorica.

  1. To say about whom we are talking:


Pričamo o filmovima. We are talking about movies.

Govorim o Mariji. I am talking about Marija.


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