1.Ide kao alva.                                 To sell very fast

2. Ko o čemu, baba o uštipcima.  To harp forever on the same string

3. Ni po babu, ni po stričevima.      Without fear or favor

4. Nekad bilo, sad se pripoveda.     It’s only a memory now.

5. Bolje ikad, nego nikad.                 Better late than never.

6. Obećavati brda i doline.               To promise the Moon.

7. Gde ima dima, ima i vatre.           No fire without smoke.

8. Najslađe je zabranjeno voće.       Forbidden fruit is the sweetest.

9. Sve se vraća, sve se plaća.            There is no such a thing as a free lunch.

10. Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe.              On Tib’s eve.

11. Tresla se gora, rodio se miš.        A storm in a teacup.

12. Jasno kao dan.                               Plain as a day.

13. Kovati nekoga u zvezde.             To sing someone’s praises.

14. Nije zlato sve što sija.                  All that glitters is not gold.

15. Ujak iz Amerike.                         Manna from heaven.

16. Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca.  Out of sight, out of mind.

17. Kasno Marko na Kosovo stiže.      Too little, too late.

18. Priča od Kulina bana.                      Tell a long, long story.

19. Pustiti mozak na otavu.                  Not to think about anything.

20. Poslednja rupa na svirali.               Small beer. Not worth a curse.

21. Ne guraj nos gde mu nije mesto.   To push the nose for something.


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