I fill in the correct form of the dative of the pronouns in parentheses:

  1. Preporučila je ovu knjigu ___________ (ja)
  2. Da li ste poslali paket ______________(on)
  3. Oni nisu poslali nikakvo pismo ______________(ona)
  4. Tvoj prijatelj se javio______________________(mi)
  5. Ne želi da priča ____________________(vi) o svom poslu.
  6. Vuk se pridružio _________________(oni).
  7. Mi ćemo se javiti _________________ (vi), ali ne i __________ (oni)
  8. Taj student je telefonirao _______________ (ti)
  9. Nije se javila ____________ (mi), već ___________ (oni)
  10. Ona se sviđa _________________ (on).
  11. On  uvijek odgovara ________________(ti)
  12. Ova kreditna kartica pripada ______________ (on)
  13. Dunja je govorila _____________ (ja) o toj stvari.
  14. Direktor je sve objasnio ___________ (oni) juče.
  15. Bojan  se uvijek javi ____________ (ti) i __________ (ja).

II fill in the correct form of the dative of the pronouns in parentheses:

  1. Ona ne želi da ____________________ (mi) piše o tome.
  2. Marija ________________ (ti) često telefonira.
  3. Leda __________________ (on) je to obećala.
  4. Boro __________________ (ona) se mnogo sviđa.
  5. Saša ___________________ (vi) je rekao sve o tome.
  6. Irena ___________________ (oni) je javila vijesti.
  7. Njen šef _________________ (ona) je dao sve detalje.
  8. Mile će da________________ (one) sve objasni.
  9. Bojan ____________________ (ti) uvijek piše kada se nešto desi.
  10.  Ona _____________________ (mi) je prva čestitala.
  11.  Ne želim da _______________ (oni) govorim o tome.
  12. Za sada to _________________ (ja) ne odgovara.
  13. Je li ______________________ (ti) rekao nešto o tome?
  14. Preporučili smo ________________ (on) da to ne radi.
  15. Aco _________________ (vi) je oprostio.
  16.  Njena tetka __________________ (mi) je govorila o njoj.
  17. On ______________________ (ja) je objasnio cijelu stvar.
  18.  Ne želim da __________________ (ona) pokvarim planove.
  19. Nena _______________________ (on) je preporučila turu.
  20. Dragan _____________________( ja) je prišao o tebi.

Write the following sentences in Montenegrin.

  1. Did she respond to you or to him?
  2. I think he’ll call you and not her.
  3. Did he promise this book to me or to you?
  4. Edward doesn’t believe them anymore.
  5. She told us that she liked her new home.
  6. Who sent her these old books?
  7. I presume he told her everything about the outing.
  8. Roman likes that medieval monastery very much.
  9. It seems to me that the rates for the rooms with a view are too high.
  10. Did he recommend you to see that film?
  11. She’ll send us the news quickly.
  12. We congratulated them on their new house.
  13. This young man gave us all the details about the trip to Europe.
  14. She believed the clerk when he told her that she can pay in instalments.
  15.  Did he forgive you for losing his credit card?
  16. We made a promise to him that we’d stop by on our way to Podgorica.
  17. She recommended  us to visit no more than two monasteries a day.
  18.  We are looking forward to your visit.
  19.  Does Mr.Brown believe him?
  20. We liked her very much in her first movies.

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