Shows an action that happened after some other past action (at a specific point in the past) or an action that happened right before the moment of speaking.

Evo ga, stiže. Here he is, he has arrived.

It is usually made of perfective verbs, by cutting infinitive ending – ti and adding the following endings:

  1. –h    1. smo
  2. –       2. ste
  3. –        3.še

If the infinitive is ending in -sti or –ći the following endings are added:

  1. -oh         1. -osmo
  2. –e           2. -oste
  3. –e           3. –oše
  1. Sad dođoh iz grada.
  2. Vidjeh Mariju maloprije.
  3. Ne rekoh ti šta sam kupila.

Put the verbs in brackets into Aorist

Učini mi se da __________ (padati)  snijeg.

Juče me on ____________ (upitati) koliko je sati.

Miloš uđe ______________ (ući) u kuću.

Mirko maloprije _____________ (otići) na posao.

Na ruku mi _____________ (sletjeti) ptice.

_____________ (ispasti)  mi olovka iz ruke.

___________ (reći)  ti da završiš to.

Sinoć Ana _____________ (pojesti) sve slatkiše.

Ne ____________ (vidjeti, mi)  juče Anu.

On je htio, ali mi ne ____________________ (htjeti)

 Marko maloprije ___________________ (proći) tuda.

Opet mi ________________ (pasti) kapci od umora.

Pazi, ________________ (iscijepati) mi majicu!


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